ADMA TranS4MERs veicinās ražojošu mazo-vidējo uzņēmumu izaugsmi un pāreju uz tā saukto nākotnes rūpnīcu līmeni. Projekta ietvaros uzņēmumi saņems nepieciešamās apmācības un palīdzību jauno tehnoloģiju ieviešanā.
Projekta numurs: 101037866
Projekta sākuma datums: 1/10/2021
Projekta ilgums: 36 mēneši
Projekta partneru skaits: 38 no 27 Eiropas Savienības valstīm
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About the ADMA TranS4MEr project:
ADMA TranS4MErs is a €5.6M project funded by Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Union, building on the work of ADMA, the European Advanced Manufacturing Support Centre. The project was officially launched on 1st October 2021. The project will run for 3 years and will be implemented by a consortium of 38 partners from the 27 European Union member states. Coordinated by the Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR), ADMA TranS4MErs brings a pan-European multi-partner cooperation together, including research and technology organizations, universities, industry associations, chambers of commerce, incubators/accelerators, regional development agencies, and vocational training institutes.
The project will support ambitious SMEs on their digital transformation journey, designed to ensure that Europe embraces the transformation of the economy and society and brings its benefits to ALL citizens and businesses. ADMA TranS4MErs will build and deliver assistance with digital competencies (underpinned by core technologies such as: high performance computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity) and training in advanced skills in digital technologies in SMEs.
To achieve this objective a knowledge super-grid infrastructure will be reinforced, acting as the main backbone of the project. The core elements such as the refinement of the SME transformation methodology, the pilot website and success stories from ADMA will be complimented by some new additions including:
a Cohort of TranS4MErs, experts in advising SMEs will be mobilised, connected to the SME via an application;
a Catalogue of Services/Tools, which aims to assist SMEs to choose the most suitable transformation journey for their businesses;
the TranS4MErs Quality Mark, which ensures to have the top-quality experts in advising SMEs and implementing significant digitalisation projects;
the 70 xChange events, taking place across the EU-27 member states, connected using the most advanced physical and virtual tools, 3 per country in 3 years;
The TranS4MErs Digital Platform/Toolbox which will act as a collaboration space for SMEs, large enterprises, and business support organisations providing access to workshops to develop technical expertise in the SMEs, remote advisory services on financial and legal aspects, virtual trainings and webinars, ad-hoc remote support, services and tools of the innovation ecosystem; and
The TranS4MErs Vocational education and Training framework(s) related to advanced manufacturing, including a pathway for further scaling-up under the European Social Fund.
In addition, the project will launch two open calls with a diverse value proposition addressing the needs of European Manufacturing SMEs depending on their digital maturity. In each call, the selected SMEs will go through a 2-stage scheme.
In the 1st stage (Design) SMEs will be guided towards the development of their Transformation Plans while having access to TranS4MErs platform as well as a series of trainings and resources to upgrade their team knowledge and skills;
whereas in the 2nd stage (Revamp) TranS4MErs will provide expertise and resources to boost the deployment/ implementation of their Transformation Plan, revamping their facilities towards Factories of the Future.
The geographic reach of the ADMA TranS4MErs partners: